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介词in on at的用法

Q1:方位介词,in on under用法

In是在什么里边,in car在汽车里。 on是在上面,强调两物体接触,on the table,在桌子上,即与桌子接触。under在下面,强调两物体不接触。谢谢采纳。


at 用于一天当中的时间:Millie has breakfast at seven oclock
年龄:Children in China start school at 6 years oldon用于星期几:we do not go to school on Saturday
日期:our summer hoilday starts on July1、特殊的一天某个时间:amy goes swimming on Sunday morning
特殊节日:they have lots of fun on Childrens Day
有描述性短语修饰:on a cold winter morningin用于一天某一时间:my parents watch TV in the morning
月份、季节、年份:in March、in winter、in 2013、
for用于一段时间:i will go on a trip to Shanghai for two days

Q3:英语介词in on at 的用法 擅长英语的进来

作为时间的介词时:at表示点的时间后加钟点的名词.比如:at six;at noon;at dawn;at midnight;at break
on表示具体的某一天.比如:on Sunday morning; on the afternoon of May 5th; on a cold evening;on Monday;on September 1st:
in表示一段时间.比如:in the morning ;in October;in summer;in1978;in the 1980s;in the 21st century
作为地点的介词时:at表示点的地点,如at the door 在门口
on表示面的地点,如on the wall, on the playground,on the screen
in 表示体的地点,如in the classroom
另:at 后加小地点(如学校/宾馆/小城镇/车站等)in加大地点(如大城市等)



1、 介词on用在时间上,表示某一具体的时间前面(常表达某一天),
如:on Sunday morning ,on july , 25.
2、 介词in用在时间上, 表示在某一特定时间里,或者某段时间之后,
如:in the morning,in aweek.
如:at six oclock.


in表示"在...里"(表示被包含于另一个范围里,且较大) 或"在...上"(表示属于同一事物) 
eg: Shanghai is in the east of China. (上海在中国的东部)
Therere a lot of leaves in the tree. (树上长有许多叶子)
eg; There is a cup on the table. (桌子上有一个杯子)
There are some monkeys on the tree. (树上有一些猴子)
eg: I shall wait for you at the station.
He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road.
The students are sitting at the desks listening to the teacher.
I met him at the post-office.
I’m now working in the post-office.


2. 表示地点、场所、位置等,注意以下用法:
(1) 表示某一点位置,用 at。如:
We live at No 87 Beijing Road. 我们住在北京路 87 号。
The hospital is at the end of the street. 医院在这条街的尽头。
与名词所有格连用表示地点,也用 at。如:
at my sister’s 在我姐姐家at the doctor’s 在医务室
(2) 表示空间或范围,用 in。如:
What’s in the box? 这盒子里有什么?
He lives in Paris with his wife. 他同他妻子住在巴黎。
The meeting was held at [in] the hotel. 会议在宾馆举行。
(3) at 与 in 的另一个区别是:at 用于指较小的地方,而 in 用于指较大的地方。如:
in Shanghai 在上海at the station 在车站
但是,大与小是相对的,有时随着说话者的着眼点不同,大地方也可能用 at(比如把一个大地方看作一个点时)。如:
Our plane refuelled at London. 我们的飞机在伦敦加油。
We stopped for an hour at Moscow on our way to Paris. 我们在去巴黎的途中在莫斯科停了 1 个小时。
(4) 介词 on 用于地点,主要指在某物的表面。如:
What’s on the table? 桌上有什么?
There’s a wallet lying on the ground. 地上有个钱包。
注:在少数搭配中,也用介词 on。如:
He works on a farm. 他在农场工作。

Q7:介词in, on 和at的主要用法是什么

2、介词in, on 和at的主要用法。
e.g.:He goes to school at seven, doesn’t he ?
He does’t go to school at seven, dose he ?
e.g.:He is a teacher,isn’t he ? (他是教师,是不是?)
She is a doctor,isn’t she ?(她是医生,不是吗?)
1、简短问句的否定形式,要用缩写形式,不能出现not,主语要用人称代词不能用名词,there be句型,仍用there.
e.g.:Her mother is a doctor , isn’t she?
There is a book on the desk, isn’t there?
e.g.:He isn’t a doctor, is he ? (他不是医生,是吗?)
Yes, he is . (不,他是医生。)
No, he isn’t. (是的,他不是医生。)
e.g.:Jim was born in 1981.
It’s cold in January.
It often rains in summer.
e.g.:Kate was born on January 5,1980.
He is often free on Saturday.
e.g.:Let’s begin the meeting at 2:00.
e.g.:去年last year??今年this year??明年next year
上周last week??本周this week??下周next week
The rain lasted for three days.这雨一连下3天。
It is very cold in winter. It lasts from February to April.
2、take off脱下??put on穿上
3、Where are you from ? 你是哪里人(你从哪里来?)
= Where do you come from?
4、be different from 和…不同。
e.g.:I think English names are different from Chinese names.
5、What’s the weather like…? …天气怎么样?
e.g.:What’s the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?
What’s the weather like in February? 二月份的天气怎么样?
6、I hope you are well. 我希望你身体健康。
e.g.:I hope your family are well. 祝你的全家身体健康。
She sang well. 她唱得很好。
He speaks English well. 他英语说得很好。
7、be good for有益于……,适宜于……
e.g.:It is good for sports. (这天气)适宜于体育运动。
Don’t read in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes. 别在阳光下看书,这对你眼睛不好。
8、go swimming 去游泳
go skating 去滑冰
go shopping 去买东西
9、help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。
e.g.:We often help him with his English. 我们经常帮他学习外语。
They helped the farmers with the harvest. 他们帮助农夫们收割庄稼。
10、enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。注意enjoy后面出现的动词,要用-ing形式。
e.g.:They really enjoyed working on the farm. 他们确实很喜欢在农场里劳动。
They often enjoy watching TV in the evening. 他们常喜欢晚上看电视。
11、get ready for 为…做好准备 =be ready for
e.g.:Are you ready for the exam?=Do you get ready for the exam?
12、I like spring best. 我最喜欢春天。(这里best是副词,best前可以不用the)
比较:Spring is the best time of the year.(这里的best形容词,前面一定要用the)
e.g.:The weather gets warmer and the days get longer.
The trees turn green.

