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考研英语词汇哪本好 考研英语词汇建议可以选择以下几本好的书籍:1.《考研英语词汇》(李涛著):该书是一(yī)本(běn)比较实用的词汇书,涵盖了考研英语所需的高频词汇,内容丰富,易于记忆。2.《考研英语词汇精选》(陈思莹著):该书是一









1. analyze 分(fēn)析(xī)
2. a p pr oach 接近,方法
3. argument 论点,争论
4. assess 评估,估价
5. assumption 假设,假定
6. b enefit 利益,好处
7. challenge 挑战,质疑
8. concept 概念,观念
9. conclusion 结论,结尾
10. cO N Sequ ence 结果,后果
11. cO N Sider 考虑,思考
12. context 上下文,背景
13. contr ast 对比,对照
14. criteria 标准,准则
15. debate 辩论,讨论
16. define 定义,界定
17. demO N Str ate 证明,展示
18. describ e 描述,叙述
19. determine 决定,确定
20. devel o p 发展,开发
21. differentiate 区分,区别
22. discuss 讨论,谈论
23. effect 影响,效果
24. emphasize 强调,着重
25. evaluate 评价,估价
26. evidence 证据,证明
27. explain 解释,说明
28. factor 因素,要素
29. focus 焦点,聚焦
30. illustr ate 说明,举例
31. i mpact 影响,冲击
32. i mply 暗示,意味着
33. indicate 指示,表明
34. infer 推断,推论
35. influ ence 影响,感染
36. interpret 解释,理解
37. investigate 调查,研究
38. issu e 问题,议题
39. j ustify 证明合理,辩解
40. method 方法,方式
41. objective 客观的,目标
42. o pinion 意见,看法
43. perspective 视角,观点
44. phenomenon 现象,奇观
45. policy 政策,方针
46. potential 潜力,可能性
47. principle 原则,原理
48. pr oblem 问题,难题
49. pr ocess 过程,程序
50. pr o pose 提出,建议



1. 2019年考研英语一真题
Which of the foll owing words is cl osest in meaning to i mpart in par a gr a ph 3?
A. communicate
B. reveal
C. contribute
D. ac quire

2. 2018年考研英语二真题
According to the passa ge, which of the foll owing is tru e of the word tactile?
A. It is a relatively new term in neur oscience.
B. It only refers to the sense of touch in hum a ns.
C. It is used to describ e the sense of touch in ani m als.
D. It has b een studied extensively by neur oscientists.

3. 2017年考研英语一真题
In the sentence The r ob ot's creators b elieve they hA V e solved a pr oblem that has confounded engineers for decades. (par a gr a ph 2), the word confounded most likely means:
A. conf used
B. challenged
C. i mpressed
D. satisfied

4. 2016年考研英语二真题
According to the passa ge, which of the foll owing is tru e of the word dyslexia?
A. It is a disorder that affects only reading.
B. It is a disorder that affects only writing.
C. It is a disorder that affects b oth reading and writing.
D. It is a disorder that affects only speaking.

5. 2015年考研英语一真题
In the sentence The technol ogy is still in its infancy, but its potential is vast. (par a gr a ph 2), the word infancy most likely means:
A. m aturity
B. devel o pment
C. si mplicity
D. i mm aturity

6. 2014年考研英语二真题
According to the passa ge, which of the foll owing is tru e of the word neolib er aliS M?
A. It is a political ideol ogy that emphasizes G o v e r n m e n t intervention in the economy.
B. It is a political ideol ogy that emphasizes free m arkets and li mited G o v e r n m e n t intervention in the economy.
C. It is a social movement that emphasizes equality and social j ustice.
D. It is a social movement that emphasizes individualiS M and personal freedom.


