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1. anti- 反对,反抗
2. auto- 自动的,自行的
3. co- 共同的,协作的
4. de- 向下,离开
5. dis- 不,非,否定
6. ex- 出,外,以前的
7. fore- 在前面,预先
8. in- 不,非,内
9. inter- 之间,相互
10. mis- 错误的,不当的
11. non- 非,不
12. over- 超过,过度
13. post- 后,后缀
14. pre- 在前,预先
15. re- 再,回到
16. sub- 下面,次要的
17. super- 超级的,高级的
18. trans- 跨越,横穿
19. un- 不,非
20. uni- 单一的,一致的


1. a- (无、不):amoral (不道德的)、atheist (无神论者)、asymmetrical (不对称的)
2. anti- (反对、对抗):antibacterial (抗菌的)、antifreeze (防冻的)、antidepressant (抗抑郁的)
3. auto- (自动、自我):autonomous (自治的)、automatic (自动的)、autobiography (自传)
4. bio- (生命、生物):biology (生物学)、biodegradable (可生物降解的)、biopsy (活检)
5. co- (共同、一起):cooperate (合作)、coexist (共存)、collaborate (合作)
6. de- (去除、否定):deactivate (停用)、devalue (贬值)、defrost (解冻)
7. dis- (不、否定):dislike (不喜欢)、disa gree (不同意)、disappear (消失)
8. ex- (前、以前):ex-wife (前妻)、ex-boyfriend (前男友)、ex-president (前总统)
9. extra- (超出、额外):extraordinary (非凡的)、extra va gant (奢侈的)、extraterrestrial (地外的)
10. hyper- (过度、超过):hyperactive (过度活跃的)、hypertension (高血压)、hyperbole (夸张)
11. inter- (相互、交叉):interact (互动)、interfere (干扰)、interchange (交换)
12. intra- (内部、内部的):intramural (校内的)、intra venous (静脉内的)、intracellular (细胞内的)
13. mis- (错误、不当):misunderstand (误解)、misbeha ve (行为不当)、mistrust (不信任)
14. non- (非、不):nonfiction (非小说)、nonsense (胡说八道)、nonstop (不停的)
15. over- (过度、太多):overwhelm (压倒)、overwork (过度工作)、overreact (过度反应)
16. post- (后、以后):postgraduate (研究生)、postwar (战后的)、postpone (推迟)
17. pre- (前、先):precaution (预防措施)、preview (预览)、preheat (预热)
18. re- (再、重复):renew (续约)、replay (重播)、rewrite (重写)
19. sub- (下、次要):submarine (潜水艇)、substandard (低标准的)、subordinate (下属的)
20. super- (超、极好):superman (超人)、supermarket (超市)、superb (极好的)
21. trans- (横跨、变换):transport (运输)、transplant (移植)、transformation (变形)
22. un- (不、否定):unhappy (不开心的)、unfair (不公平的)、unbelievable (难以置信的)
23. under- (下、不足):underground (地下的)、underestimate (低估)、underpaid (工资低的)
24. up- (向上、增加):upgrade (升级)、uplift (提升)、upbeat (乐观的)
25. with- (一起、伴随):withdraw (撤回)、withhold (扣留)、withstand (承受)


1. And - 和
2. But - 但是
3. Or - 或者
4. So - 所以
5. Yet - 然而
6. Although - 虽然
7. Despite - 尽管
8. However - 然而
9. In addition - 此外
10. Furthermore - 此外
11. Moreover - 此外
12. In contrast - 相比之下
13. In conclusion - 总之
14. Consequently - 因此
15. Therefore - 因此
16. Nonetheless - 然而
17. Meanwhile - 同时
18. Likewise - 同样地
19. Accordingly - 相应地
20. Similarly - 同样地


1. Mr. (先生)
2. Mrs. (夫人)
3. Ms. (女士)
4. Dr. (博士)
5. Jr. (小)
6. Sr. (大)
7. Ave. (大道)
8. St. (街道)
9. Blvd. (大道)
10. Rd. (路)
11. Ave. (大道)
12. Co. (公司)
13. Inc. (公司)
14. Ltd. (公司)
15. Prof. (教授)
16. Gov. (政(zhèng)府(fǔ))
17. Dept. (部门)
18. Rep. (代(dài)表(biǎo))
19. Sen. (参议员)
20. Pres. (总统)
1. IT (信息技术)
2. CEO (首席执行官)
3. CFO (首席财务官)
4. HR (人力资源)
5. PR (公(gōng)关(guān))
6. VIP (Very Important Person)
7. ASAP (尽快)
8. FYI (供您参考)
9. ETA (预计到达时间)
10. RSVP (请回复)
注意:在正式的写作中,应该避免过多使用缩写。如果必须使用缩写,应该在第一次出现时给出全称并在括号中标注缩写,例如:The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the company.


1. How are you?
2. What's your name?
3. Where are you from?
4. How old are you?
5. What do you do?
6. What's your fa vorite c o l o r?
7. What's your fa vorite food?
8. What's your fa vorite movie?
9. What's your fa vorite book?
10. What's your fa vorite hobby?
11. What's your fa vorite sport?
12. What do you like to do in your free time?
13. What's your job?
14. Where do you work?
15. How long ha ve you been working there?
16. What's your salary?
17. What's your education level?
18. What's your marital status?
19. Do you ha ve any children?
20. What's your address?
21. What's your phone number?
22. What's your email address?
23. What's your social media handle?
24. What's your fa vorite music genre?
25. What's your fa vorite band/artist?
26. What's your fa vorite song?
27. What's your fa vorite TV show?
28. What's your fa vorite actor/actress?
29. What's your fa vorite place to tra vel to?
30. What's your fa vorite memory?
31. What's your fa vorite holiday?
32. What's your fa vorite season?
33. What's your fa vorite animal?
34. What's your fa vorite quote?
35. What's your fa vorite thing about yourself?
36. What's your biggest accomplishment?
37. What's your biggest fear?
38. What's your biggest weakness?
39. What's your biggest strength?
40. What's your opinion on...?
41. Ha ve you ever...?
42. Do you prefer... or...?
43. What's your goal in life?
44. What's your dream job?
45. What's your idea of a perfect day?
46. What's your idea of a perfect vacation?
47. What's your idea of a perfect relationship?
48. What's your idea of a perfect meal?
49. What's your idea of a perfect weekend?
50. What's your idea of a perfect date?
51. What's your idea of a perfect house?
52. What's your idea of a perfect car?
53. What's your idea of a perfect outfit?
54. What's your idea of a perfect gift?
55. What's your idea of a perfect party?
56. What's your idea of a perfect wedding?
57. What's your idea of a perfect proposal?
58. What's your idea of a perfect friendship?
59. What's your idea of a perfect family?
60. What's your idea of a perfect community?
61. What's your idea of a perfect world?
62. What's your idea of a perfect life?


1. bio- (生命)
2. geo- (地球)
3. graph- (写,画)
4. hydro- (水)
5. phon- (声音)
6. photo- (光)
7. tele- (远程)
8. -logy (学科)
1. -able/-ible (能够…的)
2. -er/-or (人或物的名称)
3. -ful (充满…的)
4. -ing (动词现在分词形式)
5. -less (没有…的)
6. -ment (名词后缀,表示状态或行为)
7. -ness (名词后缀,表示状态或特征)
8. -tion/-sion (名词后缀,表示动作或状态)



